Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lots Happening This Week!

A lot of people said that house building would be stressful....yeah maybe a little bit, but it's mostly just plain FUN! This week is the best yet! Cabinets are in, installed, flooring goes in this week, the exterior will be stoned and painted. EEK! So much fun!

Last week, we got the driveway and sidewalk poured. Carter said it's his to park all of his cars on and "we need a trike" to ride in the driveway. :)

So here's the updated fireplace with no scaffolding destroying the view. BEAUTEOUS! Our builder added some amazing crown to the top of the windows which I think really dresses up the area. Great focal point when you enter our home!

Cabinets were delivered on Monday and installed yesterday! I'm so stinking excited! Here's one teaser pic until they are all in place. I'm in love! I really need to make sure I bring in my real camera to get some better quality pics!

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