Sunday, May 27, 2012


Last Thursday, we handed over the keys to our home to the new buyer.  We are very lucky that our house sold so quickly (3 weeks!), and without a realtor, which meant we could pocket all of the profits. Sweet!

However, it was very bittersweet. This is a home we bought fresh out of college, right before we got married. We were young, in love, and excited to make our first house a home. Jeff put an offer on this house while I was away at a family wedding in Dallas. Yes, he bought the house without me! Luckily, I approved of the house when I was a good size, good location, and the right price. The house was a horrific lovely shade of robin's egg blue, that matched the entry tile. We Jeff did a total remodel of the main bathroom, we refinished hardwood floors in two of the bedrooms, replaced carpet and entry tile, landscaping, and gutted the entire basement and finished that as well.

We lived in that house for close to 8 years and created many, many memories there. From getting our puppy, to bringing home our baby boy, to watching Carter take his first steps across the living room....we've made many, many sweet memories in that house and it makes me a bit sad that Carter won't remember living there at all. However, we are so excited to make new memories in this new house that we are building specifically for our family. Like a good friend recently told me, "Good thing the walls don't hold the memories!"

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure it was a little tough handing those keys over but the new house will create even more memories!
